walking room yields more than 800 euros per user

Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse.

walking room yields more than 800 euros per user
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April 16, 2023
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walking room yields more than 800 euros per user

WalkingRoom generates 831 euros per year per user. The user then walks on the treadmill at least twice a week at an average speed of 3 kilometers per hour.

walking room's researches ROI (Return on Investment)

For the past two years, walking room has conducted studies on physical activity among office workers. It showed that 69% want to move more and feel more productive and creative through more exercise. Stress is also significantly reduced by more movement during the working day. What do all these positive variables yield was the follow-up question? Four formulas have been developed based on the following topics:

  1. obesity
  2. Mental health
  3. Work performance
  4. Employee retention

These topics have been deliberately chosen, based on feedback from facility managers, HR managers, real estate & workplace consultants. WalkingRoom yields 831 euros per user per year. The sources of the studies used are listed at the bottom of this blog.


Employers spend an average of 11% less health costs on employees who are active during the working day. Research by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans shows that, in addition to obesity, other Western health diseases also cost significantly less with sufficient activity.

Formula :

11% (obesity cost savings)  * 44% (average participation) * €1,794 ( employee health costs) = € 87 (per employee)

Mental health

Employers spend an average of 15% less health costs on employees who are active during the working day.

Formula : 15% (mental health savings) * 44% (average participation) * €1,794 ( employee health costs) = € 118 (per employee)

Work performance

Employees perform on average 8% better when they walk for half an hour during the working day. The University of Minnesota has equipped 40 different offices with treadmills to study the effects of physical activity on people's productivity. Participants' work-related performance was recorded for one year.


44% (average participation) * 8% (improvement in work performance) * 2 (office days) * €3 2,000 (average annual income) = € 521 (per employee)

Employee retention

Employers who provide health facilities retain 45% of their employees longer with their organization . Not only do they keep their employees, the health costs per employee are also reduced.


45% (remaining employees) * 7.8% (average turnover) * €3,000 (cost of hiring new employee) = € 105 (per employee)

If we add up all the revenues, we arrive at 831 euros per user per year. Both the average participation and the average number of working days at the office post-corona have been taken into account.

Walking room generates 831 euros per year per user.

Below are the sources that support the formulas:

Source obesity

Resource mental health

Average Participation: walking room Lifestyle Survey (2019)

Source health costs employee (1)

Source health costs employee (2)

Source work performance

Source days office

Source employees who stay

Source gradient

Resource cost hiring employee